Looking back

Though my son is 18, going on 19, when I read articles like the one I’m posting tonight, I’m reminded of where we were and how far we’ve come. The article is entitled “5 Life Lessons from My 5-year-old Son on the Autism Spectrum” by Kendal Rayburn over at The Mighty.  You can’t know where you’re going until you know where you’ve been.



Autism Librarian


It’s all in your perspective

Okay, I really like this article in the fact that it comes to you from a different perspective. That rather than looking at it like autistic people need to “fit in” to society, maybe that it’s the rest of us who need to “fit in” society.

The article is entitled “Taking a Different Perspective on Autism” by Guy Shahar over at The Mighty. I must say, the article definitely makes you think.



Autism Librarian



So right now my daughter is struggling with having a brother who is autistic and I understand. In our family, like no doubt most families with someone who is autistic, it can be quite a struggle.

Tomorrow however isn’t one of those days because tomorrow I will just have my son. The reason? He want’s to wrap his sister’s Christmas gift, the one that I got her. He’s actually already wrapped the one he got her.

In addition to that, we will hang out a bit and maybe do something, just the two of us. For I know that beneath that autism is a young man who is very sweet. In fact, last week he bought a Christmas gift for a good friend of mine. He didn’t have to buy her a gift, he just wanted to. The thing is, she lives half way around the world.

She thought so much of it, she bought him a gift. Granted, I ended up getting it and will give it to him from her. Amazing how he can be so sweet to someone he’s never even met. It reminds me of the age old question, why can’t we all just get along? Or maybe we just all need to be a little sweeter.



Autism Librarian


In the beginning

This article, even though my son is now a young man, still resonates with me. It still takes me back to the beginning. All the feelings and emotions that I went through when he was first diagnosed. That said, this article lets you know it’s okay to feel those emotions.

The article is entitled “On the First Anniversary of My Son’s Autism Diagnosis” by Caitlin Cavallaro over at The Mighty. It’s a good read for those of you just starting your journey.



Autism Librarian

ID cards

When I read this article by Kerry Magro I must admit I wasn’t thrilled by the idea but I think it’s starting to grow me. In the sense that it’s the first step in a process that needs to happen. It’s not going to work for everyone with autism but it definitely helps with the awareness.

The article is entitled “These ID Cards are Helping Police Communicate with People with Autism” over at Kerry Magro’s website. Kerry is someone who cares deeply about autism as he himself was non-verbal until the age of nearly three and diagnosed with autism at the age of four. Nice job Kerry.



Autism Librarian

Explaining autism

Many years ago, while my son was still in elementary school, I decided to have  someone explain autism to his classmates. So I got in touch with a local autism group called Judevine (in St. Louis) and set up a time for someone there to speak to his class.

I still remember his teacher saying to me, the students later said, “so that’s why he does that“. It was probably one of the best decisions I ever made in regards to his education. So when I came across this video, I was reminded of that. It’s entitled “Little Boys Touching Video Explaining His Autism to His Classmates Goes Viral“. Definitely worth watching.



Autism Librarian


Good doctor reviewed

So I finally watched an episode of the Good Doctor and I must admit it was pretty good. I can usually tell a good movie or show for me when I turn away because I’m so into it. In fact, the episode I watched had the preview for the final episode at the end and I must admit it sounded pretty good.

Now why I talked about the show in a previous post entitled The good doctor, here’s another review of the show entitled “How ABC Found a Surprise Hit in ‘The Good Doctor’” over at the New York Times. Now that I’ve watched an episode of it, I would say it’s definitely worth watching.



Autism Librarian