An inside perspective

I guess you could say I’ve written about autism from the outside, as a parent. Well, this article I’m writing about tonight, entitled “Autism from the Inside” by Katherine May over at Aeon is an entirely different perspective.

Sometimes I see things in my son that I know to be true for myself. As the parent of someone who is autistic, you are always wondering, am I autistic? Definitely an article worth reading (maybe more than once) as I know I will.

Speaking of perspectives, check out a earlier posting I wrote back in June entitled Different Perspectives. I know there are more.



Autism Librarian


It’s something that I’ve been fortunate enough to enjoy doing for a long time but yesterday I found out my oldest son now has a job too, working part-time at our local grocery store. While he doesn’t even know what he will be doing, since his orientation is tomorrow, it is exciting at least to me.

I know it’s not what he thinks he ultimately wants to do, it’s a big step. Turns out he also has a couple of friends who work there, as well as one of my friends. Today our local grocery store, tomorrow a job in the automotive field.



Autism Librarian


Taking a break and enjoying life

So today’s post is more about our vacation last week. We spent whole week up at our cabin in Minnesota with two long days in the car, both ways. Like all vacations, we had our good times and our stressful times.

For me though, it’s all about giving all of my kids those memories. I am proud to say that over the years, all of my kids have talked about our trips to Minnesota when asked what they did over the summer at school.

It’s a chance for me to give them some individual attention while enjoying life. Now I don’t know if my oldest son will go back up next year but that said, I will always believe it’s important for all my kids. This one of the reasons why:




Autism Librarian


Random act of kindness

So I’m not one to necessarily post an article that is already everywhere, as a librarian I tend to do a little research, this was one that not only made me cry (as the father of a young man with autism), it motivated me to make a small donation as well.

Anyway, I first came across the article over at Yahoo and it’s entitled “Grocery Stock Clerk’s Act of Kindness goes Viral“. Like I said, the article has gone viral and there is a gofundme page for both Jordan and Jack. This world definitely needs more Jordan’s and Jack’s.

Good Stuff!


Autism Librarian

His past (and his future)

So on my last post, entitled His future, I talked about my son’s job search and how I was going to talk to my place of employment to see if he might be able to get a job there. Well, I asked a friend of mine and as of now, I’m waiting for his boss to get back to me.

Tonight’s article however reminded me of my son’s past and what I still need to do for his future. The article is entitled “When My Autistic Son Graduated from High School” by Lauren Jordan over at The Mighty.

I think it’s almost given me that gentle nudge that I have more to do for him and that’s a good thing. For that Lauren, I say thank you.



Autism Librarian