A quiet, sort of, weekend

When it’s my weekend where I only have my oldest, unless he’s working, it’s usually a weekend of listening and even with a three day weekend, it was indeed mostly that. That said however, we had a pretty nice weekend. We went out and picked up a free tripod I got for my camera and while we were out, we also got donuts at one of our favorite places, drive-in donuts. He also got to watch a couple of car races, the Indy 500 and the Coca-Cola 600. So like I said, all in all, a pretty nice weekend.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

Hitting the links

So despite the chance of rain the other day, we did manage to get out and play golf and I do think he had fun. I know I had a lot of fun just watching him play, making a good shot here and there, just like I use to do. Maybe one day we’ll get to go out and play together. There was one time a couple of years ago when he was playing golf that we actually had the chance to play together. Made me wish my dad was around. I think we would have had a great time.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian


I guess maybe I didn’t know how much the weather stresses out my oldest son. That was evident this past weekend with all the storms we had as each day we lost power just for about thirty seconds, but that was enough. Apparently more than enough.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

Golf & walking club

Sometimes there are nights where I wonder what I’m going to write about but this isn’t one of those nights. In fact, today’s post came to me this morning when I found out I missed the time for getting my son signed up for golf and walking club with St. Louis Arc. What made it worst was, they’re both full now.

That said and as I think I’ve said before, what I learned a long time ago was if I just think it out, it usually works out and today was no exception. Thankfully we can do the walking club even without signing up. As far as golf goes, we’ll just show up and play right before they start. That way, we’ll still see our friends and have fun.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian


So after picking up my son from work today, he actually brought up the topic of girls. Granted it wasn’t about a girl he liked but rather Selena Gomez, the singer and actress. He learned that she’s single and then he asked if someone her age could date someone his age. I have to say I was a little surprised.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian


So now that we’ve gotten all the paperwork in to Vocational Rehabilitation, we’ve suddenly started getting some more paperwork on this program called Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency from Social Security. It’s a short-term program that gives you more financial support. Seems the paperwork just never ends.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

Co-workers and customers

The other day I was helping a customer, a customer who had I had helped the day before when I suddenly realized that maybe she’s on the spectrum. She responded to a situation and it was the way she responded that made me think that.

Finding this article is now making me wonder if maybe I work with someone at the local college bookstore who is also on the spectrum. The article is entitled “Why You Probably Have Autistic Coworkers — but May Not Know It” by Louise Stone over at The Mighty.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

Time to think

Sometimes I find myself reflecting on what I’ve written and today was one of those days. It’s true that my oldest likes to talk but sometimes it’s when he talks that I get the chance to listen. I think that it’s when I listen that I’m the best father I can be, be it for him or any of my kids. I know that I too like to talk, I mean where do you think he gets it from?

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

Blogging in bed

Tonight was one of those nights where I realized how hard it can be to blog sometimes, even though I usually do it while sitting in bed. You see even though I am in bed, my oldest walks into my bedroom all the the time. It’s just what he does. It’s just part of my life.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian