Winding down

So as my current job winds down, life is coming a little more into focus. I started to plan out what I need to do next for my oldest son. It will be nice being able to go to any virtual workshops that I might be interested in. I also hope to become more involved again with my two younger kids and their school.

With that said, I also had a good weekend, seeing all my kids while managing to get everything done that I needed to before the snow fall began. On top of that, I got a gift for a friend that hopefully I can mail out sometime soon. It was just one of those impulse purchases I made when I was out and about, running those errands.


Now earlier this week I wrote a post called Parents, about an article entitled “From One Autism Parent to Another by Preeti Dixit over at The Mighty. Well, after posting that I realized there is another really great support group for those of us in the autism community and that is our friends.

So tonight I thought I would say thank you to a friend of mine. Someone who lives half way around the world, but from time to time has sent me articles shes found about books, movies or autism support groups where she lives.

What’s even sweeter is that my son, though he’s never met her, has from time to time mentioned her. In fact, just this Christmas he bought her a gift. So like our fellow parents, friends are equally important. Sometimes they are even like family.



Autism Librarian



This is one of those articles that came at the right time. A time when doubt creeps into your mind as to if you’re doing the right thing. Knowing that you have so much to do and what seems like not enough time to do it. That’s the place that I’ve been lately.

The article tonight is entitled “From One Autism Parent to Another” by Preeti Dixit over at The Mighty. As the article says, once we let go of our idea of a “good” life and focus on the good (which you will find in abundance once you start looking) in our life instead.



Autism Librarian

Support groups

Reading this article tonight made me realize this might be something that would be really good for my son. When we’re able to make the meet-ups here in our neighborhood, he always seems to enjoy those and I think it helps him socialize with those outside his comfort zone.

The article is entitled “How an Adult Autism Support Group Can Reduce Loneliness” by John Long over at The Mighty. Definitely something I need to look more into.



Autism Librarian

A picture’s worth a thousand words

In this case however, the picture is worth a little over a hundred words. The words are not mine but someone else who happens to be on the autism spectrum named Kerry Magro. So to all the parents of someone on the autism spectrum or for that matter, as I like to say, anyone with special abilities, this goes out to you:


and to Kerry, I say thank you!



Autism Librarian



So this article tonight is one that shows the power of friends and how friendship is what makes the world go round. For my son, his best friend from high school, is the one friend that I think really let him begin to grow and become the person that he is today.

The article is entitled “Meet the 9-year-old Austin-area best friends behind Microsoft’s emotional viral commercial” by Kristin Finan over at Austin360. Like I said, good friends make the world go round.



Autism Librarian

It’s a good thing

So I’ve read this story a couple of times and I still have tears coming. As the young man’s mom says in today’s article, it’s just “Do you connect?” The article and video are entitled “Syracuse football: Cooper Dawson has one of the best signing day moments (video)“ by Nate Mink over at Syracuse. I too am hoping it becomes a trend. I’ll have to check my high school’s website later.



Autism Librarian


These are the kind of stories I love, when people go out of their way to include others, especially at lunch. The story, entitled “Teen ate lunch alone for years, then the student council stepped in” over at CBS This Morning. What impressed me even more was that they took him to a movie.

As the parent of a child with special abilities, that was priceless.  I know how lucky I was that my son had friends to eat with when he was in school and the fact that he’s still friends with some of those kids.



Autism Librarian