
I know I started my oldest son’s Medicaid paperwork a few months ago but I never finished it up but, now I know it’s finally time to get it done. I just got him signed up for the walking club with St. Louis Arc along with taking that bike of his in for that long awaited tune-up. Sometimes I just need to tell myself, I can do this. One step at a time.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

Walking club

With golf and summer about over, next up looks to be walking club. When my oldest had his yearly doctors appointment last week, the doctor said that finding some kind of activity would be a good idea and I suggest walking club. I also just found out it starts up next month. Honestly, I think it would be good for both of us.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

A side note

So today I was taking a walk, one of my nature walks where I take pictures but honestly, I felt more than a little lost. Mostly just because I was feeling down. There was a moment however, where I talked about how in a way, if it wasn’t for my oldest, I may not have started taking these walks and taking pictures. So I also took the time to say thank you to him.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

Take a breath

With all that’s gone on this week, I would have to say that I think we’ve grown closer, my oldest and I. We’ve had some serious discussions about the future, mostly his and I think it’s put me in a place where I can get back to focusing more on him. As I sit here, I know I have to get his Medicaid application finished up this week and submit it. He also has golf coming up and I just realized that starts next week. Then there’s walking club. Okay, we’re going to be busy but, these are things that will help us, take care of us.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian


I don’t think until this year did I realize that Christmas can be kind of hard for my oldest. I think what brought it into focus was the picture of that ship in my post from the other day entitled Back in the day. Taking that picture reminded me of all that both he and I have been through, just like that ship. How everyday is different and that everyday is a new challenge.

I was actually just looking at the leisure time brochure for winter over at St. Louis Arc, hoping to find the sign up for the walking club, only to realize it’s in the spring. I think I also realized that it doesn’t just help him. It helps me too.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

Golf & walking club

Sometimes there are nights where I wonder what I’m going to write about but this isn’t one of those nights. In fact, today’s post came to me this morning when I found out I missed the time for getting my son signed up for golf and walking club with St. Louis Arc. What made it worst was, they’re both full now.

That said and as I think I’ve said before, what I learned a long time ago was if I just think it out, it usually works out and today was no exception. Thankfully we can do the walking club even without signing up. As far as golf goes, we’ll just show up and play right before they start. That way, we’ll still see our friends and have fun.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

Quality time

Seems because of some unexpected circumstances, my oldest son and I will have a little extra quality time. I took off today to have our new dryer installed but then I received a letter from my mom’s car insurance regarding an accident I had while driving her car almost a year ago and possible settlement yesterday.

Turns out they want more than we expected while we thought (and thought wrong) that my mom didn’t have enough car insurance. Turns out she has more than she realized and the insurance company doesn’t think they’ll get all what they’re asking for reason’s that they explained to my mom.

So with that said, I feel like I need to get somethings done both for my son (like paperwork) and myself (like a job application or maybe two). With that said, I guess I’ll get to working on that paperwork because the sooner I get that done, the sooner I can apply for a job or two.


Autism Librarian

Taking a walk

So let’s just say, exercise for the most part and my oldest, don’t really get along. That said, he does like golf and so that’s what I use to redirect him when we started doing walking club for the first time this fall, talk about golf. It also helped that last week, when we ran into a couple of our friends from golf. The other thing we talk about the sport he likes the most, NASCAR.


Autism Librarian