Taking a walk

So while it was just my oldest and I this weekend, I did manage to get out and take some pictures when he went over to a friends house, something I definitely needed to do. Something else I really need to do is start framing some more of my pictures. Maybe I’ll just shoot for getting one framed this week and take it from there. One step at a time.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

Reflective weekend

I get the feeling this is going to be a reflective weekend. In only a couple of weeks, my youngest son will be graduating from high school. Even now, I’m thinking about it. Maybe in some ways that’s why my life has been so up and down lately, knowing that in some ways there are lots of changes coming and in other ways, there will be less.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

Power outage

Thankfully they don’t happen often but, that said, when they do, it can be tough and this was one of those times. It was the middle of the afternoon when my oldest called me to tell me that, he was in the middle of trying to get the internet back up and in order to do that, it required him entering the password. Now it took a little while to figure it out and even though he got really upset, at least I was at my second job, where it’s just me in my office and I was able to help him get him through it. Looking back at the situation now, I realize it could have been worse.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

Rough day

So today my oldest had a bit of a rough day at work. Somehow he managed to clog up a couple of toilets there and consequently, he called me just after I got off work to tell me he thinks he’s going to lose his job. After texting with his boss, I found out really everything is fine. He just needs to be a little more careful.

On top of that, there appear to be storms coming through tomorrow and he’s been asking to not go to work. The thing is, I think going to work today will help him get past yesterday. As far as storms go around here, we’re just going to have to wait and see. The ones we were supposed to get the other day mostly fizzled out.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

Maybe a day I needed

Maybe this was a day I needed but, didn’t see coming. I didn’t go to my second job because my mom and I had someone over to give our furnaces and air conditioners their yearly checkup. That said, I still managed to have a couple of hours to myself, even if I was working at home. I guess I’m still trying to figure it out.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

Cleaning mode

Every so often my oldest will get in a bit of a cleaning mode and yesterday was one of those days. Most of the time though it’s recycling or sometimes, throwing things away. This time it was organizing things with paperclips. What that means exactly, I don’t know. I’m sure that one day I will find out. When that one day is however, god only knows.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian


Well, I know I need to start talking about my oldest sons sudden desire again to learn how to drive as he’s mentioned it the last couple of days.  It’s something I have to face and so I can’t really avoid it. So here we go.

What the next step is, I don’t really know but, I know I need to find out what it is. That said, I suddenly feel strong enough to do that tonight. With all that’s going on, I know come May I will have a little more time to figure this out. It’s important to his future, as well as mine.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian