Losing a grandparent

So this morning one of my kids grandparents passed away, their mom’s mom and with my oldest living with me, it fell on me to tell him. Actually his mom called me the other day to say she wasn’t doing well and according to the doctors, probably wasn’t going to live much longer.

After the phone call, I then let him know that she wasn’t doing well. Yesterday his mom called me to let me know she passed away in the morning. So since my mom takes both of us to work in the late morning, I took that time to tell him she had died. With his mom picking him up after work, she also told him but, I’m sure he told her that I had already let him know.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian


So I just heard from my kids mom that her mom isn’t doing well. From what I know, she’s had Alzheimer’s for quite a while but, it now appears she’s no longer even eating or drinking. According to her, she maybe has a day or two left. It also gave me the time to let my oldest son know about his grandma.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

Picking up

So today, like everyday that my oldest son works, it’s usually my mom taking him and his mom picking him up. This time however, his mom couldn’t pick him up so she asked his younger brother to pick him up. With my schedule being flexible and since I was already going to take him, I told his brother I would pick him up.

While I obviously don’t know the future, I know somewhere down the road his brothers we’ll be doing more than they bargained. Besides as his parents, I feel like we have to do what we can for as long as we’re around. After all, he is our son.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

Walking club

With golf and summer about over, next up looks to be walking club. When my oldest had his yearly doctors appointment last week, the doctor said that finding some kind of activity would be a good idea and I suggest walking club. I also just found out it starts up next month. Honestly, I think it would be good for both of us.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

One of those days

Tuesday was one of those days, where you wonder if you did the right thing. My oldest and I were at a golf tournament on the final day of golf this summer. The first problem was that we had lunch first, which would have been fine except he didn’t like what they were serving, so he was hungry before we even started playing.

The other thing was, we hadn’t played golf for a couple of weeks. I think it was the combination of the two that made it a bit rough. Then, he had a couple rough holes early on and so he just wanted to leave. He actually wanted to leave after the second hole but, I convinced him to keep on playing. After the fourth hole, I said okay.

Now add to this my me feeling of guilt. Did I make the wrong decision in leaving early? He also started to feel bad later on for leaving early but, I kept telling him it was okay. What’s actually help me the most in dealing with this is just writing about it. I know we’ll get through this. I’ll get through this.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

Happy surprise

So the day after we got back from Minnesota, my youngest son and I were talking when he said even with all that went on this year during our vacation this past summer, he missed being at the cabin. I’m so proud of him as I am of all my kids. We’ve even talked about next years vacation already.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

The day after

I think it was good for my oldest to have a day off after we got back from vacation. I think It was also probably good for Ceasar, our cat, to have him back as well. I know he missed him and I’m sure Ceasar missed all of us. They both needed to recharge their batteries. It also helps that today is already Thursday.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian


If there was one word that describes my oldest sons vacation, it would be desserts. We did have our usual fudge on multiple occasions at the cabin but, beyond that it was tough going. From our inability to get a chocolate shake multiple times to the long line over at our favorite candy shop in Duluth. Next year we’re hoping to spend a whole day in Duluth. Still, the fudge is good.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

Sunny day

Thankfully yesterday was a mostly sunny day. As soon as we had our rainy day on Monday, my oldest started worrying it would rain all week. While I didn’t really enjoy the heat yesterday and today’s heat is going to delay our journey to Duluth till tomorrow, at least there appears to be no rain in the forecast until maybe Saturday. Thankfully we also have plenty to do today like putt-putt golf, something he and I do every year up here.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian


Honestly, I wasn’t planning to write this week since we’re on vacation but, with the way it’s going so far, I thought why not. It’s been a bit crazy and fun as the three of us, two of my son’s and I, are actually having a pretty good time. We all slept in quite late and after breakfast at a local cafe, have just been watching it rain from the cabin. I hope everyone is having a good summer.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian