Drip, drip, drip

It was after a couple of times telling my oldest son that I was going to leave the faucet in the kitchen dripping because of the cold weather that when I got home from work the other day, I found that he had left the kitchen faucet dripping. This was one of those moments where I was so proud of him. He’s actually been doing more of that lately and I couldn’t be happier.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

Headed in the right direction

So we’ve had a good few days lately, my oldest and I. We met with this support organization called Vocational Rehabilitation on Friday to get the ball rolling in his search for a different. We also started using this machine to help him clean his nasal passages which seems to be working pretty good so far. On top of that, while I’m not thrilled by it, he’s back on his medicine to help him deal with his anxiety. All in all, we definitely took a step or two in the right direction.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

Movie night

So tonight while I’ve been sitting here writing, he was watching Toy Story 4. A quiet night, me taking care of myself while he enjoyed watching a movie he hadn’t seen yet. All in all, I would say a rather nice night for both of us. Each of us taking care of ourselves.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

Taking down the Christmas tree

Finally getting around to taking the Christmas tree down with my oldest tonight. Since my youngest and I usually both put up the Christmas lights on the outside of the house and decorate the Christmas tree inside, I figured it would be fun to take the Christmas tree down with my oldest.

The one other tradition that we or rather I do, is to cut off a piece of the bottom of the tree. I’ll do that tomorrow morning, when I put the tree out for composting later this week. My son told me that right now we have nine, so this will make ten trees.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

Twice as much

Despite working twice as much these days, I have to say that I’m in a better place. I’m happier where I’m working these days than I have been for quite a while. I think my oldest is too but that’s no reason to stop going and I think I finally know that. It’s taken this move to show me that.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

Long day

To say yesterday was a long day would be putting in mildly. My oldest and I waited over an hour to see his new primary doctor and another hour to get his booster shot but it was definitely worth it. First of all, it turns out the nurse we saw first at the doctor’s office has a son that’s also autistic.

Then the new doctor we saw has a philosophy of making sure his patients get all their questions answered. Just a very nice and caring doctor. Between them both, we also got a reference for a new psychiatrist. All in all, I think I had a really good day. My son, well maybe not quite as much.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian