Autism and a tricycle

This is an article I just happened to come across the other morning in the Summer 2021 issue of Tricycle magazine. The article is entitled “Meet a Teacher: Anlor Davin, A Soto Zen teacher and co-founder of Autsit, a meditation group for autistic people” By Adrienne Bard de Palazuelos. Definitely a pleasant surprise.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

What is autism?

That’s the question I got why’ll I was headed to work the other day. Too bad I didn’t have a copy of this article entitled “Seeing the Spectrum: A new history of autism” by  over at the New Yorker Magazine.

I have to say, I was a little tongue tied as to how to describe it, especially since I am the father of a sixteen year old with autism. Maybe after I read this article, I’ll have a better way to respond.



Autism Librarian

Seeing is believing

When I saw this article, “People with Autism More Likely to Hear Colors, See Sounds” by Bahar Gholipour over at LiveScience, it brought back lots of memories about books like “Born on a Blue Day: Inside the Extraordinary Mind of an Autistic Savant” by Daniel Tammet and “What Color is Monday: How Autism Changed One Family for the Better” by Carrie Cariello. Both well worth the read, just like the article.

I also noticed the link to a recent article I posted along those same lines, “For Kids with Autism, Sights and Sounds Are Disjoined“, didn’t work but this one does. Sorry about that!

Sweet Dreams!


Autism Librarian


We too did this back when my son was in fourth grade and it turned out to be a blessing. Unlike the article “Meeting Matthew” by Paul Roud at Teaching Tolerance, my son was out of the room at the time (which for him, worked out well). What I remember most is how his teacher tole me that a lot of his classmates said “so that’s why he…”. Fortunately we had the support of a local group now called Life Skills here in St. Louis and they made it very easy to do.

As I’ve said before and I truly believe, it takes a village to raise a child. It’s well worth the investment.



Autism Librarian

Autism Inc.

As the father of a child now entering high school, thoughts of where he’ll end up afterwards have been creeping into my conscious for some time now. One of the first articles I came across on the topic was over at the New York Times Magazine entitled “Autism Inc.” by Gareth Cook. It definitely gave me a lot to think about. More recently the topic was approached during our high school. So while it’s four years away, it’s not really that far off.



Autism Librarian

Weekday/weekend reading

I was at my mom’s condo yesterday when she gave me the latest issue of a magazine called Autism File. She said she found it over at Barnes & Noble but I must adimit, I’ve never seen it before. I tried to read it on the way to work (on the Metrolink) this morning and I was a bit overwhelmed. The August/September issue focuses on Autism & Education and that might have a bit to close to home, mostly because my son just became a teenager this past May and I know that’s coming up.

Anyway, it was started by PollyTommey and her husband, who have a son with autism and since they couldn’t find what they were looking for in regard to resources, they just started this magazine. As for reading it, I’ll try again tomorrow or maybe over the weekend as the kids are with their mom on vacation.



Autism Librarian