Nice ending

While it was a rough week last week, I ended this weekend on a good note and in fact, got several things done that I wanted too. First and foremost, we had the meeting with Social Security and it went pretty well. I have almost all of the paperwork together. Now I just need to mail it out.

On top of that, I got outside to take pictures for the first time in months and got a unexpected surprise, a picture of a place I use to take the kids when they were younger. It was a pleasant surprise to say the least. I don’t think I’ve ever shared the same pictures on both of my blogs but tonight I’ll make an exception. Somethings are just worth it.


Autism Librarian

…and a long week

So even though it’s been a long week, it’s not quite over yet. Tomorrow morning I have a phone call with Social Security regarding my oldest son and his ability to take care of his finances. I have everything I need laid out but I still need to mail a few things tomorrow or Saturday to the Social Security representative that I’ll be talking with.

I basically have three of the things I need to mail out, his special needs trust, his pay stubs and his his ABLE account balance but I still need to get together information on my child support. Since I had to “retire” from my previous job and I was both furloughed and on unemployment for eight weeks for a while and with my new job paying half of what I made previously, I need to submit paperwork to see if I can either stop paying child support or possibly have his mom pay me, given the circumstances. I guess we’ll see.


Autism Librarian

Tough weekend…

Started off last weekend with a car accident but then used that as motivation to try harder to focus on my two kids as much as I could and that helped me get through it. Add to the fact that it was a long dad weekend, which meant I got even more time with them and that helped even more.

Thankfully, I also know that writing helps, especially during tough times like this. I guess you could say, one weekend at a time. Now I just need to get back to focusing on my oldest son’s SSI, as well as my never ending job search. It’s always something, no matter what’s going on in the world.


Autism Librarian

SSI update

So out of the blue, I got a call from Social Security regarding my oldest son’s SSI application. Seems they’ve determined he does have a disability but now I have to have a phone interview regarding his ability to take care of his finances.

While I’m glad we’ve made it this far and hopefully he will get SSI, there’s nothing more depressing than trying to show someone your son is disabled and yet with my help, will be able to take care of himself financially.

The part that really got me was the lady I talked to really didn’t seem to have a lot of empathy. Seems to me if you’re going to work with people that have a disability, you should have empathy.

I’m debating whether to make that point with someone at Social Security after we (hopefully) get through this. After all, this is something no parent wants to have to do and what most will never understand.


Autism Librarian

Go with the flow

Okay, so I didn’t write this morning, sometimes you just have to go with the flow. I was really tired this morning, so instead I just took what I could get done and left it at that.

Sort of like the job stuff. I realized that the three I applied for on Monday was enough and maybe I shouldn’t push it. After all, there are only so many jobs out there. I can’t apply for them if they’re not there.

This afternoon I was talking with my middle child about the Meramec river, where I use to take all my kids when they were little. We talked about how it’s changed from even just a few years. It too, sort of goes with the flow.

Here’s the picture of the Meramec river that he sent me. The river’s off in the distance. I have a lot of good memories there. I think they do too.


Autism Librarian

Good week

So as I, like everyone else, struggles to make it through the days these days, I think this is already a good week. With all that went on earlier this year, having to retire from my law library job and even though I managed to land on my feet in a film library, I’ve stilled decided to keep looking around.

In fact, I’ve already applied for three jobs and it’s only Tuesday. Now granted they’re not library positions, since these days those are few and far between, a couple of them are here in town and one’s actually exactly one of the hat’s I wore at the law library.


Autism Librarian


So just as I sit here starting to write what it’s like to have my mornings to myself and a good time to write, my oldest decides to get up. Despite that, I’m thinking that this morning gig is going to work out pretty well.

Now of course, taking my youngest back to his mom’s house so early in the morning, actually helps as I have more time on Thursday’s. I also texted my middle child last night and heard back from him this morning, so really mornings are turning out to be just what I need, a little me time.


Autism Librarian


So my two younger kids are back in school now. So I’m trying a little harder to keep in touch with what they’re doing. With what went on with my middle child last week, that’s definitely given me the opportunity to do that while my youngest one is here on Wednesday’s and most weekends.

The one thing I’ve still learning is how to spend my time when I’m not working like when to write my posts here. As of this morning, it seems like this might be the best time to do it. I guess time will tell, just like my kids.


Autism Librarian