Turning the page

So today I decided to take a new job and even though it pays a little less, the hours and benefits are better. As I told a good friend of mine yesterday, as important as money is, it’s not everything. As I get older, I realize that family and friends are just as important. The job I have now has gotten me to a good place, a place where I now feel strong enough to take the next step.

With the new hours, I’ll have more time to take those next steps for my oldest son. With the better benefits, I’ll have a chance to take more care of myself and the chance to take a vacation with my kids improves. It will also help my mom get her life back as she takes me and picks me up every day, especially with this cold weather.

It will also give me time to just rest. I’ve spent almost a year straight looking for a better job since I left the federal courts. It’s time to take a break from that and maybe when the world gets a chance to begin to return to normal, whatever that is, I’ll start looking for a library job. Just like a good book, it’s time to turn the page.


Autism Librarian

Tough day

So to say that today was tough is a bit of an understatement. I thought I had a phone interview but it never materialized. I also just started applying for another job tonight, this one as a web content producer and I realize it’s going to take a lot more time than I have tonight. On top of all this, it’s my early day tomorrow. Oh well, I guess there’s tomorrow.


Autism Libraran

Two in a row

So who knew my friend would do it again and twice in a row no less? I can honestly say I’m not surprised because, it’s not the first time she’s shared a story with me about the world of autism. This one is about a young lady named Grace, who is an amazing artist. Now of course it wouldn’t be story if it also didn’t include a cat, as both of us have cats. The story is over at Grace’s website entitled Iris Grace Painting. While my library doesn’t have a hard copy of her book yet, I think I need to request them to purchase it.


Autism Librarian

A sense of deja vu

So I was just talking with a friend about how today feels like one of those days and how it seems to feel like every other day. Where I’m getting stuff done and checking it off my list but I still feel like I’m treading water.

I know what I need to do and I’m even getting stuff done, but I’m just not getting there. I guess the good thing here is that I’m still adding to my list and still checking things off. The other good thing I would add is a thank you to my friend, which I just did.


Autism Librarian

Work to be done

With the new year underway, I know I have work to be done. I just responded to an e-mail I received last week to set up a job interview and tonight I started working on my cover letter for another job with a plan of submitting it tomorrow. I have to admit however, it’s been a bit hard getting back into gear with looking for a job.

Over the last few months though, I’ve come to discover that writing on Sunday’s has been a good way to go into the work week. It allows me to have my first post for the week done for both of my blogs, which is a good feeling. Then I try to write down a few things I want to accomplish during the week.

I would also say that having a good weekend helps and that’s true for this weekend. My youngest decided that we should leave the Christmas tree up one more week and I was good with that. My middle child came over after work and we had some german chocolate cake, which we both like and my oldest decided to take the Christmas ornaments off the tree a couple of days ago and I was good with that too.


Autism Lbraran

A week of surprises

So the first thing my oldest son did this week was take the trash out and put it out in our trash dumpster. I think that’s a first for him. Then yesterday, he had seen my old phone on my bedroom nightstand and called me to make sure it wasn’t my current phone. He wanted to make sure I had my phone. I definitely didn’t see that coming. So while they were surprises, they were good ones.


Autism Librarian