Anxiety in today’s world

So I think anxiety is something we all deal with, to one degree or another and it’s one of those things that has increased and I think unfortunately, will continue to increase. As this article states, it’s something that researchers are also looking to more effective treatments for.

So tonight’s article is one woman’s story of her anxiety. The article is entitled “My Escape From Anxiety” by Andrea Petersen at the Wall Street Journal. Unfortunately, it’s also one that you’re going to have to go to your local library probably to read as it’s a bit dated, but none the less, a good read.



Autism Librarian

Anxiety & depression

So when I read this article, it sort of struck home with me. As a parent in this day and age where anxiety and depression seem to be very prevalent, I found it refreshing to find someone using his or her own life story as a way to talk about mental health issues like these.

The article is entitled “‘I’m so comfortable with who I am’: Ravens’ Hayden Hurst tells his story of battling depression, anxiety” by at the Baltimore Sun. We just have to keep the conversation going on anxiety and depression.



Autism Librarian

Minimum wage, special abilities

So recently I came across this article right after I wrote my state representative about this issue, which happens to be topical in my state legislature right now.

Turns out, she responded to my e-mail by suggesting I e-mail everyone on the committee. So the next step is to now take this article and send it to all of them, including her.

The article is entitled “It’s Time to Stand Up Against Subminimum Wages for People With Disabilities” by Allison Boot over at The Mighty. The timing here reminds me that everything happens for a reason.



Autism Librarian

Tougher than it looks

Okay, so this journey I’m on has definitely been tougher than it looks sometimes but it’s articles like this that give me hope. Sometimes you just have to do it yourself and that’s exactly what these women did for a young lady with autism.

The article is entitled “Unable To Find Girl Scout Troop For Kids With Special Needs, These Moms Started Oneby Olivia Rizzo over at Disability Scoop via TNS. So all I can do is keep moving on.



Autism Librarian

Here we go

So I realize I need to go back to posting some articles but probably not until next week. In the next few days here I’ll hopefully have my sons special needs trust done, along with my trust and will. Also, on Monday I hope to have us back on track to get him SSI.

With the way my job hunt is going right now, which knock on wood is pretty good, I know finding a new job will be of tremendous help as well. Of course, getting SSI taken care of will also help a lot.




Autism Librarian