Proud dad

So today was a really great day. I went to parent-teacher conferences where I heard lots of nice things about all my kids. See, this was for my youngest one but I actually got the chance to remember all of my kids as they’ve gone to middle school. We told lot’s of stories and I heard lots of great things while the teachers and staff asked how my daughter and oldest son are.

On top of that, I got a call later in the day about my oldest son from his teacher at the Vocational Skills Program or VSP for short and again I got nothing but rave reviews about how great he’s doing.  Which only added to my pride as just the other day I also got a glowing report on my son from the program head.

So all in all it was a great day. When you look back, it’s these days you cherish most. Just like with autism, when you know one of my kids, you know one of my kids.  I should also add, all of my kids wouldn’t be where they are today if it wasn’t for some amazing teachers and school administrators. To them, I say thank you.



Autism Librarian