Autism & the police

So tonight’s article is all about autism and how the police can sometimes play a role within the autism community. To quote an old phrase, it takes a village to raise a child and this is a perfect example of that for this young man and his family.

The article is entitled “Family praises police for help with mentally ill son by Pat Pratt over at the Columbia Daily Tribune. This is truly a very inspiring story.



Autism Librarian

ID cards

When I read this article by Kerry Magro I must admit I wasn’t thrilled by the idea but I think it’s starting to grow me. In the sense that it’s the first step in a process that needs to happen. It’s not going to work for everyone with autism but it definitely helps with the awareness.

The article is entitled “These ID Cards are Helping Police Communicate with People with Autism” over at Kerry Magro’s website. Kerry is someone who cares deeply about autism as he himself was non-verbal until the age of nearly three and diagnosed with autism at the age of four. Nice job Kerry.



Autism Librarian