
So I’ve been carrying this piece of paper around for several days that has the word journey’s underlined with the words graduate school and autism underneath it. Just two of my many journey’s in my life.

A number of years ago, I also came to realize, it’s the journey, not the destination that’s important. I think this could never be more true than today.

From family vacations to getting to work to every journey in between. I miss that journey we take to our cabin in northern Minnesota every year. Maybe this year we’ll go again.


Autism Librarian

Just one of those days

I know I’ve said it to myself, to others and even here that for all that’s gone on over the last year or so, I’m lucky. That said though, today was not one of those days. One thing that I haven’t really talked about here is my age but recently, it’s started to creep into the conversation. I think though, it’s taken all of this for it become part of my life.

Something else I know I’ve also talked about is that writing about it both here and over at my other blog, the green librarian, are both very therapeutic. They allow me to talk about what I’m very passionate about, my kids, my family and nature. They allow me to have those bad days now and then while also letting me come out on the other side. I’m one lucky librarian.


Autism Librarian


My two oldest kids both finally have an appointment to get their first covid vaccine shots and I couldn’t be more relieved. I didn’t realize how much stress I was feeling until I actually tried to set one for my oldest child, only to make a mistake in doing it and then having to change it. Ultimately however, I ended up getting a different one this weekend. The first one was a little over a week later. Then I found out my middle child got one set up for tomorrow, so we’re all good.


Autism Librarian

Lesson learned

Tonight was one of those nights where I learned or rather re-learned a valuable lesson, the lesson of patience. I was trying to find a pair of pants that I thought I had just washed but suddenly couldn’t find. I thought maybe I had put it in a pile of clothes for my oldest son, which he had already taken to his bedroom. Unfortunately he thought I was blaming him for this and no matter what I said, he wouldn’t let me go in his room to see.

Meanwhile, we had just talked about his bed that day and the fact that it had a spring sticking out of it. It was then that I decided to offer to flip his mattress over which then allowed me to go in his bedroom and also make sure I hadn’t given him those pants. The thing was, they were actually in the next load of wash. Anyway, to get back to where I started, I learned that patience is a virtue yet again. Sometimes you learn the same lesson over and over again. This was one of those times. That said, I think it’s time for bed.


Autism Librarian

Third times a charm

Okay, this probably won’t be the last time either but I’m sitting here once again, watching a movie that while I would describe as a sad movie, somehow I’m feeling a little uplifted. The movie is entitled Griffin and Phoenix, a movie I’d never heard of before the other night but tonight’s it’s brought me peace. I can’t explain why. It’s about two people who meet and fall in love, all the while both fighting cancer. Well worth taking the time to watch.


Autism Librarian

Growing up

So the other day, when I was picking my oldest up from work, he was in the self checkout line. Knowing him, he was just buying some kind of desert, which it turned out he was. The only difference was, though I can’t for the life of me remember how he said it, he said he realized that eventually he’ll have to do this for himself. Now he wasn’t just talking about dessert but rather for other things me might need or want.

For him to acknowledge this, was to me huge. This was actually a first. I was so proud of him but I think I’m proud of myself as well. I honestly think this year has helped me grow closer to all my kids, especially with my middle child. I guess sometimes it takes the worst of times to bring out the best in us. I feel like my relationship with all three of my kids are in a good place.


Autism Librarian

Movie night, part II

One day, not long ago, I was going through some of my recent likes and I came across one for a post I wrote entitled Movie night late last year. It was the first time in quite a while since I had stopped to take the time to watch a movie. So here I am, a few months later doing it again with the movie Coda starring Patrick Stewart and Katie Holmes. Writing, photography and movies. Suddenly I realize I have hobbies.


Autism Librarian

Spring cleaning

So as my life continues to settle, I found myself in a spring cleaning mood this weekend. First, I started with a good cleaning of the bathroom on Saturday but then I found myself cleaning out the coat closet in the hallway along with starting on the kitchen on Sunday. I then began to work on getting rid of some stuff, with plans to make a donation to our local Savers store while also listing a filter I recently bought, on Craigslist.

Meanwhile, over the weekend I did a little more on trying to get my two older kids their covid vaccine shots. I talked with my middle child tonight about the lists available for him while talking with the mother of a friend of my oldest child, as she offered to help us get him his shot. On Monday, I need to follow up with his doctor as she never called me back last week.

On a bit of a more somber note, I found out that a neighbor of ours had past away recently. The fact that she was a single mother I think, made it hit a bit close to home. She was a rather quiet lady but what I remember most is the time she saw a piece of furniture left out by another neighbor that I later saw her taking back to her house. A story that brought a smile to my face.


Autism Librarian

Quiet time

Just sitting here, in the house by myself, enjoying the peace and quiet. It doesn’t come along very often, so it’s nice to be able to sit and write with an uncluttered mind. I thought I had something to post but for the life of me, I have no idea what that was. I guess with all that’s going on in my life and the world, there’s nothing wrong with enjoying the moment. Maybe this is what I was going to write about.

As I get older, despite my vision slowly getting worse, I’ve managed to get better at seeing what’s ahead of me and just trusting my gut. Today, I actually talked to all three of my kids. Come tomorrow, who knows. Guess I’d better get ready to go to bed and hopefully get a good night’s sleep. After all there’s nothing wrong with taking care of yourself now and then.


Autism Librarian

Making a list

So I still haven’t heard back from my oldest son’s doctor about him getting the Covid vaccination shot but tonight I officially have him on three waiting lists. I’ll go ahead and try to call his doctor tomorrow and maybe even the grocery store where he works to see if they have plans to get the workers there vaccinated but now I feel much better.

I’m also going to get in touch with my middle child and talk to him to see if he’s gotten registered for the vaccination. Since he’s transgender, I need to see if there’s anything I need to be concerned about regarding his healtlh and the shot. One down, one to go. Checking things off my list.


Autism Librarian