Next steps

Well, safe to say there are many but with a long weekend up ahead, I feel like I can take at least a couple and probably for each of us. I say that as I sit here listening to some of my music, dancing throughout the house, baking pumpkin pie and feeling as relaxed as I’ve felt in a very long time.


Autism Librarian


So even with all the stress at home, between me looking for a new job and my oldest wanting to look for a new job, his decision to suddenly start drinking smoothies again is to me another one of those meant to be moments. My mom recently mentioned about how he looks like he’s a little over weight and so for this to happen just seems so right. I also just found out tonight when I’m suppose be at work on my first day. Now I need to get back to helping my son find his new job.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian


Now while it’s true that I’m at home right now, sitting here writing this post, getting this job feels like I’m going home as well. A couple years before my oldest was born, I started working at Webster University’s Library and I stayed there until we realized we needed more money to move out of the city of St. Louis and into the county. This was also around the time my oldest was diagnosed as being autistic.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

Where you least expect it

So when I was talking with my oldest today, I suddenly realized that with two part-time jobs, I’ll might be able to help him do more than I realized in regards to finding a new job. What also occurred to me was, I can help him with school at our local community college to become an automotive technician by maybe even going to class with him, at least in the introduction class. Sometimes you find what you need where you least expect it.


Autism Librarian

A realization

The other day I came to a realization that the stress I’ve been feeling lately as I go to work these days are the same feelings Evan has everyday. Fortunately today, I just got a different job and even though it’s a part-time job rather than a full-time job like I currently have, it’s that first step in the right direction. I guess it just took a couple of years to understand that I was going to have to change direction in order to get where I want to be.


Autism Librarian

Change in my cover letters

So over the course of the last few days, I’ve suddenly started to realize that the job I would like next should be closer to home. Closer for me, closer for my kids and closer for my mom. I’ve even started to include that on my cover letters as a reason why I’m looking at jobs outside of libraries. After all these years of working downtown, maybe it’s time to come back home.


Autism Librarian

A day off

So I’ve been sitting here, watching a couple of PBS specials something I haven’t done in forever. It’s been nice to forget about cover letters and applications. Maybe it’s just what I needed, a break from the working world. I guess we’ll see what tomorrow brings. That said, know there’s lots to do but for one night, not so much.


Autism Librarian

Another day

So today was one of those eye-opening days where even though you know what goes on, you really don’t. After my mom’s car wouldn’t start yesterday and I forgot it was the end of the month, I realized this morning that I didn’t have enough cash to take public transportation in to work so I ended up taking the day off and just hanging out with my oldest son.

What I then did was apply for a couple more jobs, on top of the eight I applied for over the weekend. What he did all day pretty much was watch television and as he did, I started to think back what I was doing at his age. What I was doing was finishing up college. What I also realized was that when I came back home later that year, I moved into my first apartment. In fact, I never did move back with my parents.


Autism Librarian