
So after going the extra mile to help one of the alumni at the university where I work at and feeling really good about it, I suddenly decided to text my oldest son’s job coach to let him know how much I’ve appreciated all he’s done for my son.

Then I texted someone who I was planning to gift some calendars for her to give to her clients after she said she was really busy and if I wanted to give them to someone else, I could. I told her not to worry and whenever she wants to come by and get them, she can. All in all, a really good day. A Christmas gift to myself.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

A quiet week

Maybe that’s why I’m feeling so tired. Nothings really happened. Maybe it’s the fact that I’ve been able to just relax and not worry so much. It’s not that I have nothing to do, it’s just I’ve had a chance to catch up with life.

Tomorrow I need to take the next step in a job I’m applying for. Then I’ll going to look for some Medicaid paperwork that I have somewhere to try and fill out later. After that, we’ll see.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

Ready to go

After talking with my two sons who are going on our family vacation, I think we’re all ready to go. I think because my oldest appears to be less stressed with his new job, I think in a way he’s going to be more relaxed this vacation. I know he already has a couple of things he wants to do. He wants to film one of the ships coming into port up in Duluth and I think he may want to get another ship book.

My youngest is ready to go as well but unfortunately, after going through a few rough days. His yearly physical the other day discovered he may have a little high blood pressure. After some tests yesterday though, it may not be all that bad. Like me, he gets stressed just going to the doctors office. It also turns out it wasn’t as high as his mom originally told me, so I think the vacation maybe just what the doctor ordered.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian


So as my new second part-time job starts tomorrow, I’m suddenly feeling very motivate and I’m not exactly sure where that’s coming from. I know lately that I’ve also been feeling more motivated with my other job and that’s been a good feeling.

I’m also starting to get some things done at home like going through old family slides and getting some of them developed into pictures. Going through my bookshelves in my bedroom and hopefully soon, my desk. Sitting here, I’m thinking I might go out and take some pictures this weekend.

Next week, I’m going to a workshop entitled paperwork which I’m hoping will help me get my oldest son’s Medicaid paperwork ready to re-submit. I hoping while I’m there, I will talk to the person in charge of this (someone I’ve known for several years) about looking at housing options for my son down the road.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

Now we both have new jobs

So after my oldest got his new job a few weeks ago, last week I suddenly found myself being offered a new, albeit part-time job and after little thought, I decided to take it. While I’m still hesitant, I think for now it will work out. That said, I just came across an article about why Americans want part-time jobs again. I guess only time will tell, at least for me.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

Coming to the end

It’s hard to believe that my oldest son’s time bagging groceries looks like it’s coming to an end. I would be lying if I said I saw this coming. I remember just before the world was turned upside when we were looking to see if he could go to our local junior college to work towards an automotive technician degree. Whether that’s still an option remains to be seen but at least I think we’ve found his next step.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian


So as my oldest and I go our own job journey’s, I’ve also been looking back, both at where we’ve been and where we’re headed. I have to say, if you would have asked me a couple of years ago where we both might be, I never would have thought we would both be here at the same time. Here’s hoping we’re both headed in the direction we want to go.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian


So today I got a phone call from the latest place my son applied for a job and for once, it’s a place that might just be right up his alley. It’s a place called Lowes Automotive Warehouse, a place that fills orders for car parts to dealerships and places that work on cars. The reason they called is to set up an interview for him this Friday.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

The two of us

So after a long and reflective weekend, I find myself while not re-energized, at least in a better place. I know what I have to do in order for us to take the next few steps. In fact, yesterday I finally got around to submitting another job application. My first in a while. I also took a little time for myself and went out to take some pictures. Then I let my oldest know he has anothert job interview. Where we both end up, well, we’ll just have to wait and see.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian