
So yesterday I began to realize that it’s okay if I don’t have exactly the same work life that I did a few years ago. Thinking back to my dad, he was a few years younger than me when he was getting ready to retire from his teaching career. It doesn’t mean he was going to stop working, it was just that what he was going to do for work was going to change. I think it’s safe to say that’s what’s happening here for me. Maybe not by choice, but it’s my life today.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

Perspective is key

I must say, I feel like the last few days I’ve started to find a different perspective in regards to where I’m at. I’ve even started looking at more part-time jobs, hoping to find one with a few less hours but a little more pay. I I’ve also begun to look at my bookstore job a little differently. I’m not entirely sure how this happened but it has. In a couple of weeks, my oldest finally has that meeting on what other job opportunities there might be for him. All in all, another step down the road.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

Hitting the links

So despite the chance of rain the other day, we did manage to get out and play golf and I do think he had fun. I know I had a lot of fun just watching him play, making a good shot here and there, just like I use to do. Maybe one day we’ll get to go out and play together. There was one time a couple of years ago when he was playing golf that we actually had the chance to play together. Made me wish my dad was around. I think we would have had a great time.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

Time to think

Sometimes I find myself reflecting on what I’ve written and today was one of those days. It’s true that my oldest likes to talk but sometimes it’s when he talks that I get the chance to listen. I think that it’s when I listen that I’m the best father I can be, be it for him or any of my kids. I know that I too like to talk, I mean where do you think he gets it from?

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

Third time’s a charm

So just this past weekend I picked up a classical guitar for the first time in forever. This after my youngest son decided he wants to learn how to play an electric guitar. First I asked an old friend of mine where we might go find an electric guitar. He not only suggested a place to go, he also had a former student of his who worked at the store, help us out.

Once that was accomplished, then I decided to put a request out for a classical guitar over at a place where people ask and give away things for free. Fortunately, I had someone reply and so that’s where I got my new, used guitar.

After my son got his guitar, I mentioned that I had a classical guitar years ago but unfortunately, after a couple of attempts I ended up giving it away. Hence the third time’s a charm. I also had another person, who happens to be a musician, offer me a guitar while telling me what I was doing was the perfect response to my sons interested. Completely made my day, my month, my year.

Sincerely –

Autism Librarian

Settling in

So now that I’m settling in at my new job, I made an appointment with Vocational Rehabilitation for my oldest son to start his own search for a new job. That said though, I have an interview today for a part-time temporary job at a local college bookstore.

It’s the community college where I found my first job out of school, teaching in the Physical Education department. It’s also where my dad taught for twenty-five years until the year he passed away, shortly after retiring that same year.

Love you dad!

Autism Librarian

A day off

So I’ve been sitting here, watching a couple of PBS specials something I haven’t done in forever. It’s been nice to forget about cover letters and applications. Maybe it’s just what I needed, a break from the working world. I guess we’ll see what tomorrow brings. That said, know there’s lots to do but for one night, not so much.


Autism Librarian


So a few weeks ago, after getting what was a much bigger tax return back than I had planned a couple of months ago, I decided that we could afford to go on vacation this year back to our family cabin. Then a couple of weeks ago, I got a summons from my old place of employment, for jury duty.After stressing out about it for a while, I responded to it and thankfully, I was deferred. That was quite the relief because the dates my jury duty were originally scheduled to included part of our vacation.

So this week I got our suitcases down from the attic, the first of many steps we need to do to get ready. I also started making a list of what we need to do before we leave. In fact, I’m hoping to get a couple of things done tomorrow. Today, I ordered a solar charger for my son’s laptop, one that will help keep it charged on the trip and next week we’ll get him some more clothes to wear on the trip. I’m not sure I’ve looked more forward to this trip than this year.


Autism Librarian